Thursday, November 10, 2011

NUMBER 42: If God does exist, when came lonliness?

I have so many questions pertaining to the human condition and life in general. The first questions I think would deal with a relative of LONELINESS.

I'm not certain that I approach philosophical questions in the best way. In fact 'THE JOURNEY TO UNDERSTANDING' may be the totality of your pleasures throughout your quest. Perhaps it is best that we do not have the capacity to understand the metaphysical part of life until we've at least learned to respect the physicality of the material world.

I actually struggle daily with my belief in GOD. I have so many questions that in my opinion 'action or inaction' on the part of an all powerful GOD would be an act of cruelty.

I have a great desire to believe in an all powerful GOD, not a preacher man nor some self proclaiming wholly man, but a real GOD that could make living a pleasurable experience even if it is short lived.

It seems to me that an ALL POWERFUL GOD could cook up a potion of unconditional love and scatter it throughout the cosmos, then, HE could eradicate LONELINESS just long enough to remind us of the joy of love and the pain of loneliness.

I do, from time to time, experience great joy, but I also experience much too often the devastating pain of loneliness.

I wonder if there is in fact a creator, higher power or GOD, and if so I wonder if he has experienced LONELINESS. And, if HE has experienced loneliness do you think it rose to a level of great despair? If so, what loving reason or logic would you think would cause Him to afflict us with loneliness?

I think it unconscionable for a loving GOD to standby and watch HIS living creatures suffer in much despair. I know that there are many people in this world uncaring and even sadistic enough to enjoy participating in the pain and suffering of others but that does not justify a loving GOD to be equally sadistic. I do not believe that I could willingly cause pain, suffering and despair to befall any loving and peaceful person.

Perhaps the only 'GOD' is 'NATURAL LAW'. If this is the case' then we could stop claiming that GOD paid special favors to John or Rebecca or the Buddha. I believe that if there is a God He can only be impartial.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NUMBER 41: Getting back after my stroke.

This is my 65th birthday. I had a stroke August the 4th this summer. I was emotionally devastated wondering if I was going to lose my creative and intellectual abilities. I do not suggest that I possess any high degree of intellectual capacity but I do enjoy engaging in most important subject matters even if I know little on that topic. I hope I can at least learn something new.

This stroke has significantly impaired my ability to spell, and it takes me forever to write the things that I want to write about.

I will start writing again on a regular basis as I have much to write about. It will be slow however organizing my thoughts and checking my spelling.



Thursday, July 21, 2011

NUMBER 40: The Distruction of Art

Today, for no apparent reason, I've been thinking about the destruction of art.

I think, if my memory is right, when our troops invaded Bagdad during the Iraqi war the troops hooked a cable or chain around a large statue of Saddam Hussein and commenced to pull and break it down. One image in the news showed the head lying in the street severed from the body of the statue. To me it was a gut wrenching feeling watching them destroy a work of art.

I understand the rage against such a tyrant, a despot, and the urge to eradicate every image or memory of his presence in the world, but I also understand, or at least believe that that was not merely a statue of Hussein, it was a part of the history of Iraq, it was the hard work of a man, a sculptor. The sculptor himself may have been an enemy of Hussein and in spite of his connection to Hussein I feel confident that the sculptor also felt a somewhat gut wrenching feeling as he watched them topple the statue off its pedestal and drag it through the streets.

Most people have seen many fragmented pieces of statues from ancient times in museums, and thought them awesome, but what if you could see the statue in its original state, when the sculptors finished them? I think it would speak volumes to the artistry of man.

Some of these statues were destroyed by wars, some by earthquakes and then by just plain old vandalism. Some people to this day have this propensity to vandalize art. I don't understand this kind of mentality except that they must, within their hearts, be the worst kind of censor. I'm sure that part of it is brought about by pure envy.

Censorship is the root to despotism. Censors wish to destroy your right to free press, free speech and freedom of expression in any form if they don't like or approve of your expressions. These are the most dangerous citizens in any society that is trying to secure freedom.

Isn't it sad that right here in the United States we have to fight for our freedoms daily within our families, our workplaces, our townships, our counties and our states and at the federal levels also?

Just think for a moment, the artists are the ones most often bombarded by the censors. Censorship stands up against speakers, painters, sculptors, writers, movie producers, musicians and dancers,and even the poets.

We might be surprised in the future, for they might figure out a way to censor other ways of life such as cooking, bowling, playing baseball or football and all sorts of non-controversial activities. That may sound like a stretch but be careful who you offer that beer or glass of wine to, for the spirit of prohibition is still alive today. Fanatics will try to rid society of anything they do not approve of. Censorship most often evolves out of what some people consider a "SIN" thing.

We don't like to think of it but most families occasionally have a few of these censors over for diner. Some may be your favorite aunt or uncle, or a favorite cousin or maybe your own children or mother and dad. Lets not forget our brothers or sisters or it could be your spouse, but not mine, ha!

Now I'm not talking about my family @*$(#!. Let me make myself clear, I'm talking about your families. Always be careful what you do or say around people. It could turn around and bite you in the rear end.

Remember that censorship can be a verbal attack from your loved ones.

One last thing about the destruction of art is that I wish troops would not destroy the art of the people we go to war with. I'm not judging them but I wish they would not destroy the art of our adversaries.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Number 39 :The pygmalion Syndrone

I do not think that I am afflicted with Pygmalionism but I do love to sculpt the beautiful, fascinating female form and I have, after sculpting them, breathed into their mouths just in case God might pass His power on to me. Most people that believe in a God might believe that He can do anything He wishes, so what is wrong with me wishing He might give me that power?!!
No, I do not believe He will ever bestow that kind of awesome power to me or any other sculptor, but it would really be fantastic, and you know it.

I just wonder how many other sculptors out there, and throughout history have breathed into the mouths or over their sculptures with that hope in mind. I do love the fantastic story of Pygmalion sculpting his ideal woman and praying to Aphrodite to give her life, and I believe that most artists have read the story and can truly relate to it. Perhaps we just need to sculpt that one master piece in ivory.

I think it sad, yet probably best, that our creative powers are limited only to physical form. I am, however, so very happy that I am one of the few that has been given the talent to sculpt a good likeness of my subject.

I do not believe that man was created by God by forming Adam from the dust of the earth and then breathing into his nostrils the breath of life. I cannot fathom in any way, shape, form nor fashion how our creator created life but I do not believe the biblical account.

Life, to me, is the great mystery and I think it has always been, and, because man has the ability to sculpt the human form I think he also, at times, tried to breath life into his sculptures, thus evolved the story of the creation of Adam.

The ability to sculpt the likeness of someone or something, or to create unique shapes and forms is a unique ability of man but it is not much of a mystery to me. To me there is more mystery in that the vast majority of people cannot sculpt the likeness of others in clay. All it is is to add and subtract.

There are many unfortunate people that have certain disabilities that prevent them from sculpting at this level, but there are those with such disabilities that possess an extraordinary capacity to do so. So, you tell me, wherein does it lie, in the genes, in the spirit or just plain old desire to form that which captivates your mind?

I do love to sculpt the human form, especially the beautiful female form, and, I have breathed into their mouths. I don't believe that they will ever come to life but does my baptizing them in my breath bestow upon them a greater closeness to their maker? If you believe in the Eucharist then don't rush to judgment. You might even ask yourselves, 'Is there any validity to any Consecration'?

I do consecrate my figurative pieces by breathing into their mouths or baptizing them with my breath. They are, after all, my creations.

I do not think myself to be afflicted with Pygmalionism, but I do definitely relate to his story.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

NUMBER 36: Shallow thinking / Deep thinking

I just made a comment, a day or so ago, on my facebook that I had a hunger to talk with others about the meaningful things of life, and I said that I wondered if I was more shallow than I thought I was.

Well, I got a few responses and was glad that they responded. I hope that they did not think that I was making an attack on being shallow because I do believe that we need to be shallow at times. The pendulum does swing in all of us. I know that I am shallow at times and sometimes it is appropriate and maybe a little entertaining if intended to be, but most of the time shallow thinking inevitably leaves a mark right on your forehead. We all probably know that our reputations usually precede us, so, do we really want to be known as being shallow?

I am shallow enough without trying to be shallow. The times I try to be shallow I usually look stupid, somewhat like a non comedian trying to tell a joke to a group and everybody is laughing at the joke teller but not at the joke. I admit that being shallow is sometimes cute, and also poorly telling a joke is sometimes cute, but I tend to feel more compassion for these shallow thinkers and poor joke tellers.

I do not like coming across as being shallow but I sometimes do, and I wish I was a good comedian, but a good comedian I am not. Most of the time I try not to be shallow, and when I tell a joke I try my best to tell it funny.

It is a goal of mine to become less shallow and become more funny because, perhaps in my shallow way of thinking, I think I might become a more well rounded individual.

My whole point in this little blog is to point out that we love pleasurable things and moments so much that we tend to get wrapped up in, or swooned by all the lullabies. Just sing us one more lullaby, they keep me so comfortable.

I do not believe that we should live every moment of our days in a somber or serious manner, but, do you think that we could improve the lives of ourselves or others if we engaged one another in a little more serious dialogue concerning the human conditions?

If a little more serious dialogue could bring about just 1% more relief to the world problems would it be worth it? If this dialogue could bring people closer together, if it could dismantle some of the high walls of ignorance, if dialogue could reduce piety and judgmental attitudes do you think our investment would have been well spent?

There is much pain and suffering throughout the world and I know that it seems hopeless that each of us can have a real impact on their relief but is it worth a little serious dialogue in hopes that it might urge you and I to act in a positive way to help those in need, or, is a little serious dialogue too uncomfortable for us? Are our comfort zones kept more secure by just listening to all the lullabies? Perhaps, they help us to more easily fall asleep?

The Dalai Lama spoke at the University of Arkansas at Fayettville recently and stated that "this aught to be the century of dialogue". That is such a true statement. I think he meant that the whole of societies should embrace and engage in peaceful dialogue, not just our leaders.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Number 35: The myth about college

I just heard on the national news that among the top 25 competitive countries throughout the world we Americans rank 17th in education.

The report was meant to be a wake up call that the US needs to get on the stick if we don't want to be at the bottom of this list in the not-to-near future.

They did not address the issue concerning the high cost of this education here in the US. I also heard a report that the younger generation is trying to justify the debt that will burden them for many years against the weak job market that might not provide adequate income to pay off that huge debt within a reasonable time.

I wonder how our education compares in costs to students in other countries, and I wonder if the prospect of being burdened by this educational debt is much greater here as compared to those other countries.

I do believe that education is very important, not just to the students but for the country as well, but it seems that a greater number of students must carry the vast majority of the financial burden in order to obtain this higher learning. If our country needs a higher level of educated workforce then should the country not invest at least as much as the student?

If we take a good look at the high dollar schools it seems to me that they spend a dis-proportionate amount of their revenues on sports. Perhaps the very people that are charged with the responsibility of trying to educate these young students have their greater focus on the athletic departments.

I think that the institutions of higher learning are more concerned with generating revenues that will produce greater salaries for the professors and the top powers -that- be in the institution. The students education is secondary. If you don't think I'm right just ask some students. Some professors have an attitude that if the student has a difficult time keeping up, that's just tough shit. To me this kind of attitude is callous and counter productive to education.

These educational institutions should provide remedial assistance to the students having difficulties in some of their courses. They provide this kind of assistance to the team athletes in order to keep their grades high enough to keep playing ball.

These institutions also seem to be led by Olympian Gods as it is obvious that they continue to spend tremendous amounts of money in efforts to impress the world. I truly doubt that an intelligent student cannot learn below the clouds, and, the schools that look like they are erected on Mount Olympus are truly erected on regular dirt. Are these fabulous looking schools as interested in elevating education as they are at elevating egos?

It seems to me that colleges and universities are more about image and money than educating students.

When I was released from the Air Force I applied for my GI educational benefits and started taking classes at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. I flunked out on most of my classes and wasted most of my time and opportunity to get an education. I know that I am not the only student that was not college material, and I see it going on 40 years later.

I do believe that education should be paid by the public because it is the educated people that tend to improve everyone's way of life, I just don't think that the educational institutions focus as much on educating students as they do on image and making money to pay for high salaries and building beautiful buildings.

Students should be subjected to a more thorough screening system before receiving public funds to pay for their college education, and those that pay as they go for their education should be reimbursed for their costs when they successfully complete their courses.

The cost of education is a huge part of the reason that we rank 17th out of the top 25 countries in this report. Our students could perform at a much higher level of achievement if they did not have to worry about the high cost associated with their educational endeavors.

I support total government paid education for students that show that they can excel at levels of average and above in college level courses.


Monday, April 11, 2011


How do you define or perceive what constitutes a bully? We see and hear all the time how bullies are quite often creating havoc for young students, and even creating much havoc in the adult world.

The biggest bully of all time is to me a fictitious bully, however most people live in fear of him. His name is Satan or the Devil or the Evil One.

The biblical story, in the book of Job, is an incredible 'Bully story' that most Christians are aware of but really have not given it much serious thought. I personally can't fathom a loving god deciding to create such a wicked and evil figure with Supper Natural Powers to be loosed into the world unleashed and unmuzzled to prey upon us weak and unwise little people to be led like little sheep down the road to damnation and burn for eternity. Oh yes, I know we have free will to turn from him and do the right thing, but just one slip in the wide path to hell and our failure to repent of every sin before we die we will burn forever in torment. This is the wages of sin.

In the book of Job in the bible it is said that Job was a perfect man. Now Jesus claimed that not even He was good, that only our Father in heaven was good. But getting back to the story of Job we read that he loved God and was a friend of God. Job worshiped God.

I do have some good friends but I have never suspected any of them worshiping me. If they did I would diligently try to get them some good counseling. The point I want to make here is that if any of my friends was being bullied I would eradicate the bully. I would not stand by and allow this bully to have his way with any of my friends.

I've read the story of Job and I am aware that as told, after Job suffered at the peril of Satan and lost his family and all of his wealth God restored to Job more than he had before his ordeal with Satan. Do you think that the loss of your wife and your children could ever be replaced? I believe that I could deal with the loss of my wealth but for the one friend who allowed a bully to heap much suffering on me and allowing this bully to take away my loved ones, I doubt that I would ever regain any feelings of admiration for him, especially if this friend had the power to prevent the whole ordeal.

That story to me seems to portray God as a sadistic God taking pleasure in showing Satan how great the love was that Job had for Him. How egotistical do we think God could be?

If God does truly exist I don't want to be one perpetuating images of Him as being a Super Bully that needs us to worship Him or He's going to wreak havoc on us.

We all need to stand up to bullying.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

NUMEMBER 29 Donating your art to charity

Donating your art to fund raising organizations for charitable causes sounds like a worthy and honorable thing to do. I have donated some of my art for worthy causes to discover that my donated work of art did not help very much.

These fund raising organizations usually know nothing about the artist nor the content of his or her art. Furthermore they are not art professionals and know little about art. They know nothing about how to value a work of art so as to present it as a valuable purchase.

You could donate a Picasso, with signature disguised, to be auctioned off and it would be a miracle if it auctioned off for more than a hundred dollars. This is somewhat how much confidence I have in the general public and the art auctioneer in appreciating the importance of (1) the art work, and (2) the artist donating the piece.

The works that I donated auctioned off for $150.00 and $75.00 respectively. I provided my business cards with the sculptures in hopes that the new owners might have enough respect to contact me, but I never heard from them.

I also requested, and was assured that the fund raising organization would provide me with the names and contact information of the new owners of my art. I like to document the whereabouts of the works that I have sold or transferred to persons or organizations. The fund raisers failed to provide me with this information. I think this to be very unprofessional.

When an artist offers up his or her works of art to be auctioned off by non-professionals they perpetuate the perception that artists are unimportant and unworthy of being paid an appropriate price for their talent. When you do not value your art what makes you think others will value your art.

Lets get real. A wealthy art collector may purchase a Van Gogh for millions and display it with pride in his home or office, but you may produce a painting much more interesting with greater content and execution of talent than the Van Gogh, yet you may be dismissed as unimportant in the art community.

When we perpetuate our own unworthiness others will believe us.

I am fully aware that art is subjective and by nature some people will value one painting or sculpture over other works of art, and this is the way it should be, but you should never sabotage the value of your work by giving it to unworthy recipients. Mathew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. This may sound a little much but metaphorically speaking you can see that by casting your works of art before those that do not appreciate you or your work will in effect rend your self image. I can not stress enough that you should not do this to yourself. It is better to produce fine works of art to have and enjoy for yourself than to give it to unworthy recipients.

You know that people are notorious for buying expensive toys and not long after tear them up, loose them or sell them at yard sells. The love for their toys is short lived, so don't let your art become a cheap toy to be discarded by these kinds of people.

I know that there is no guarantee of the life of a work of art being a long one but you can enhance the chances of the longevity of this work by giving it an appropriate value.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe that it is appropriate to give good works of art to truly appreciative persons and persons that understand the gift that you've offered but never give it to people merely because they want you to give it up, and then they cheapen it because of their ignorance.

If you want to donate to worthy organizations give money. The worst thing that can happen will be the misappropriation of funds.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

N UMBER 27 The Muslim Dilema here in the US

I do believe in the freedom of religion even though I believe that religion causes more problems than it solves..

I believe that most people, regardless of their religious affiliations, are good people and are tolerant of other religious beliefs, but I do not believe that their goodness derives from their religion but rather I believe they are by nature good people from birth. I believe that the vast majority of people from all races are inherently good, but we all unfortunately will be taught by our respective dominant religious influences that our religious practices provide us the only path to heaven, but, if you choose to convert and follow another religion you are in danger of eternal damnation, thus these diverse religions become enemies. They feel the threat that the opposing religion will become too strong and therefore eradicate all other religious practices.

We can see this religious war taking place right here and now in our lifetime. The Christians verses the Muslims are in fact waring against one another even though there is a small amount of lip-service claiming respectively that they both want peace. I believe that deep within their hearts they both want to dominate, They both would like to eradicate all religions except their own. Remember the Salem witch hunts? Do you remember 'Trial by Ordeal?

The instinct for survival is a natural condition that translates a bit of fear into each of us until we sense that there is no danger. This is the moment that we can begin trying to bond and develop a friendship.

I must admit that there is a bit of fear that resides within me concerning the Muslims and the Christians. The rhetoric is not good on either side. I can see the shields and weapons of both religions. I'm sure most Christians have heard the Christian hymn "onward Christian soldiers marching as to war....". When I was a child and went to church every Sunday there was not many church services that that song was not sung, and I'm confident that it is still a favorite in most Baptist churches today. Jesus said in Luke 19:27 "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me". I don't believe that it takes a rocket scientist to understand that passage.

I believe that there is little that either religion can do to ease the tension between them because if you truly believe that your ways are the only way to get to heaven you would most likely be willing to go to war to prevent your loved ones from being led astray by a false religion, a religion that you believe will lead them into eternal hell fire.

Religions inherently create phobias in the minds of their followers, and, think about this, the Christians are referred to as sheep, followers of Christ Jesus. Every religion has its followers, so it would seem that we could deduce that the vast majority of people are followers and not leaders. If you would even take notice perhaps you realize that you only know a fraction of your religious affiliation and teachings, and the other members of your religion are much the same. Most people are merely followers.

I have observed that there are fanatics in most religions and some possess great leadership qualities. These are the dangerous ones, they have the potential of leading their followers to carry out violent acts of terror towards those that are perceived as their enemies.

We all must try to learn much, but with caution. Some teachings sound plausible but may bring about much pain and suffering to many, even your loved ones.

Religions enforce the doctrine of faith as the bases of their obedience but you should learn to stand on your own valid thinking efforts. Question everything.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NUMBER 22[ Why Be a Snob]

Have you ever been in an ongoing relationship, of any sort, with a snob?

I don't recall ever being around a snob for any length of time, thank God!!

Perhaps I am a little shallow for my attitude towards snobs, but, I have such a difficult time understanding the mindset of these select few. Most snobs are ugly old women. Now don't get me wrong, I love women but the truth of the matter is that in my experience it is the unattractive older women that are snobs, mostly the wives of successful men.

Then the next group of snobs fall into the category of young attractive females that came from relatively upper class families. A few young men from these same families are also bitten by this snobbischsnubnose home dwelling bug, a bug that nobody has been able to capture to date, but I have seen them.

These first two types of snobs give the impression that they are ROYALTY, that they are better than the rest of us less fortunate people of society, that is, the vast majority of us.

My mind really gets tangled up though when I encounter those snobs that are both ugly and poor. Now that is mind boggling to me, but I must qualify that, by reminding you that my dad didn't call me son because he thought I was overly bright.

I have for many years tried to understand snobs. Are they truly just simply better than others regardless of their station in life, or are they taught by their parents that they are better? All classes of snobs unfortunately are unaware of their invalid thing.

Do snobs even know that they are being snobbish, and do they realize that snobbery is an unattractive characteristic to possess? Nobody likes a snob, not even another snob, so why would anyone want to be a snob? The more snobbish you become the more unattractive you become.

Unlike the physically beautiful or handsome snob, a physically unattractive person can be a real pleasure to be around, they can be a total delight to be with.

I love beauty but I promise you that I do not desire to be around a beautiful or handsome snob because snobbery will overshadow any of their positive traits that would otherwise be a pleasure to experience.

The snobs that are of the poor and ugly class are of the most puzzling ones to me.

Do these poor and ugly snobs think that they are better than those that are ' more' fortunate? Do they perhaps feel that their position,though considered less desirable by the many, gives them a greater perspective that the most important things in life are not dependent on wealth or beauty?
I must say, perhaps invalidly, that I have considered whether these snobs are born out of a bitterness towards the more fortunate.

I have also wondered if some snobbery arises out of a defensive response to their sense of insecurity or low self esteem.

Snobbery is truly a pet peeve of mine, so much so, that I can believe that some counseling on the issue might do me some good.

The bottom line is that, though I despise snobbery, I still can like the snob. I just have to keep in mind that the snobbery is not the person but merely a character flaw somewhat like a wart on the end of your nose.

If you fall into the category of the snobbish class of society it might be to your overall benefit to work on growing out of being a snob.

I truly think that snobbery is a learned, unattractive behavior, but if you enjoy being a snob, by all means be the biggest snob you can be. There's no need being second rate. Just remember, the greater success you have at becoming a snob, the less attractive you will become and the more difficult it will be to acquire friends.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Number 21 Gods choosing Mary as mother of Jesus

Am I too inquisitive about many of the stories in the Christian Bible? Do theologians consider this sort of questioning the bible to be blaspheme? Well, you may be wondering what the hell am I talking about.

I am not one to swallow, hook-line&sinker, anything that I am told or things that I read about without some serious contemplation of the matter. I sometimes challenge my friends and relatives on various issues, attempting to use the Socratic method, a fabulous method of dialogue that I only wish I could master. I wish I could step back in time and have that great opportunity of entering into friendly dialogue with Socrates, an opportunity that I think many philosophers would love to have.

The religion that has had the greatest influence on me throughout my entire life is Christianity, which has greatly dominated this entire nation since its origin. Many stories in the bible do not even sound Godly, but to the contrary they sound completely Godless, even brutish and barbaric.

The bible says that God chose a virgin named Mary to give birth to his only begotten son. She was to marry Joseph, but God decided that the plans of Joseph and Mary was not as immediately important as His plan. I suppose God could not think of a more amazing plan of action to bring into existence his one and only begotten son.

I believe that, if God could carve the ten commandments out of stone, surely He could have carved a statue of Jesus, already a full grown man, out of some precious stone right before the very eyes of all of the holly leaders, and then breath life into this stone statue of Jesus? Would this be any less miraculous or believable than a virgin birth, or the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth,or creating Eve out the rib of Adam?

The story of the Immaculate Conception does not seem to be very immaculate to me in light of the fact that Mary was chosen to, and not asked to be the mother of the child Jesus to raise and love and then watch Him be brutally beaten and crucified by driving spikes through His hands and feet onto a wooden cross to hang suffering and mocked till he died.

In this story, Jesus was not just the only begotten son of God but He was also the child of Mary. I would think that Mary felt every bit as crucified as her precious son. I think that any mother would emotionally feel all of His pain and humiliation, and I believe that all of this would burdened her for the rest of her life. Also Mary, I suppose, was not worthy enough for the authors of the bible to tell the story of the rest of her life or how her life ended. The only way we remember her is as the virgin mother of Jesus. We know nothing more about her, and to me the story should have given Marys life more importance.

The virgin birth seems barbaric to me. At the very least, Mary was powerless, and Joseph had no say in the matter. This was Gods plan.

Did Mary and Joseph fathom raising Jesus up and loving him and then seeing him crucified before their very eyes? What kind of love is this, to put a mother through such an ordeal? Was Joseph not traumatized also, had Joseph not also grown to love Jesus?

Did this 'so called' immaculate conception make God and Mary husband and wife? Jesus said that if a man knew a woman (sexually) they became one, and Jesus said that 'whosoever God puts together, save fornication, let no man put asunder'.

So, when Joseph and Mary did get married were they living in adultery? Mary had child with God then she had children with Joseph.

Everything in the bible is taught through the context of FEARING this LOVING GOD, FEAR the LORD, FEAR the WRATH of GOD, OBEY GOD or you WILL BURN IN HELL. This is, in my opinion, completely the fabrications of men wanting to control the masses.

Why would a God want His children to be frightened into professing to love Him? Can people only learn to love as a result of great fear? Can people not learn to love as a result of being loved and cared for?

I believe that I believe in a great creator, a creator that I tend to call God, and thankfully I do not live in fear of this God.

I think that I love this creative power, not out of fear but out of looking at this fabulous planet that I am living on, this planet that has so very much to love and enjoy. This planet and everything in it must be a gift to all of us. Man has just not been able to learn how help one another to help this planet help us.

Religion has had a great impact, not only on me but the entire world. It has impacted me most of my life and still is but I am continually trying to dismantle the many high walls of ignorance that have made it difficult to enjoy the many pleasures that this life and planet offers to each one of us.

I shame the religions that continually play the fear of Hell and Damnation to enlist new members and keep the old members. If love is not enough to enlist and keep members then the church is not a holy place, in my opinion.

To me, there is nothing about fear nor the use of fear that is remotely close to being holy.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Number 20 ART, My way or Your Way

I know that I produce a wide range or genre of art and I attract a diverse audience of art lovers.

Much of my art is acceptable among the vast majority of viewers even if the art does nothing for them. Sometimes artists meet people that are just not affected by much of anything, much less art, and then there are times that your art really challenges the viewers to such a level that they express much disapproval in certain pieces of your art. This has happened to me numerous times.

I have been advised by many individuals that 'If I would just do something different' I would probably sell more art. Well, I must give them much credit for their advice because I agree with them wholeheartedly, but that kind of art is so boring and non eventful to most people. I want to say something to the viewer, I want to communicate with them, I want to challenge many of their preconceived notions about a wide range of social issues that seem to be plaguing our nation and the world. I don't want my art to sing you a lullaby putting you into a deep sleep, I want it to awaken you from your sleepwalking, I want to loose you from your chains of bondage in hopes that you can live your life more abundantly and free from the guilt of enjoying many of the pleasures of life.

I suppose art can be many things to many people. I hear a lot of people use the term 'ART' in describing many things and activities, and I suppose that in their minds these things and activities are art, but to me much of what they call art has nothing to do with art at all. Art is unique, art is magical, it is difficult to describe, yet a discerning eye can always recognize it. Art Effects your mood, your emotions and your feelings long before it reaches the intellect.

Now we must always keep in mind that there are many poor souls that seem to never recognize art even if you put it right before their eyes. Their awareness seems to be so very shallow, and sad as it is, this also is a part of the human condition.

I have never understood how some artists try to produce art that they 'Think' the public in general might want to buy. I suppose some artist are fairly successful at that, but I personally would feel like I was prostituting my talent.

I have feelings, and I have emotions and beliefs and opinions about so many ethical, religious, political and social issues for which I am compelled to address through my art. If I chose not to address these issues in my art I think I would feel neglectful. I believe that I would have little respect for myself for wasting so much of my talent producing meaningless art.

I do not wish to imply that all art must address these religious, ethical, philosophical and social issues, because I understand that form and content are also important to our enjoyment of life on a daily basis. Beautiful forms and colors touch us in a very special, settling way that is truly invaluable to our outlook on life in general.

That which I am trying to share is that if you are content and happy devoting your talents to beautiful form and color, this is exactly what you should do. You will probably be more financially successful and popular. Society needs your styles of art also, but if you are drawn to the many controversial issues that plague this world I think you should resist the more popular directions in your art.

Money and popularity are comforting, but are they satisfying to your psyche and your emotional compulsions to address these important worldly issues? Do we artists bare a responsibility to our consciences to shout to the world our deepest feelings and emotions with regard to the many social injustices imposed on the innocent by individuals, religions, radicals and governments? Or should everybody just keep their mouths shut and allow these injustices to go unaddressed?

Each person, I believe, has a responsibility to speak out and express his or her innermost convictions on social issues. I believe it is very important to their personal growth.

Most people in any given society are passive by nature and do not cause major problems, but within these societies are always a few radicals ready to run roughshod over the meek and the passive and then sometimes these societies fall into dictatorships, or at the very least some form of minority rule.

A sculptor can produce a work of art that if placed in the public view so that passerby's can take a moment to contemplate it's message, the society can experience an awakening in a very powerful way. Art does have the power to awaken people to the realities of injustices . And this awakening within a community or society can bring a people together for the benefit of the people as a whole.

I have deep religious, ethical and political convictions that I think would be a benefit to society by awakening them to a greater sense of freedom. This is the main focus of my work.

I must admit that I am bored by most art. Much art is executed with excellent skill and craftsmanship, and I'm sure that many art lovers would praise it, but in my opinion it would be boring. This does not mean that it is not good art, it just means that I am not moved by it.

I have a very hard time with taking other peoples advice that I should produce art more in line with the norm. I detest this line of thinking and I do not think that that will ever become my approach to art. I must, I am compelled to produce art that aligns with my thought processes.

You should always produce art that aligns with your thought processes. I believe this approach always leads to your best works.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Number 19 EROTICA, Right or Wrong.

The issue of whether 'Erotica' is right or wrong is a subject of controversy primarily because of the religious persuasion.

There are many people that enjoy erotica that believe it is a sin against God and that it is a taboo in the eyes of the vast majority of society, so this tremendous majority of people remain very discreet about their enjoyment of it. These are the people that the bible refers to as hypocrites. In the book of James in the Christian bible chapter 5 verse 16 it says for us to confess our faults one to another. I think this would set most people up to being ostracized by too many people. People have a very difficult time of keeping their mouths shut, and they are also too often very judgmental.

Then there are those that enjoy erotica but also remain very discreet about it because of societies attitude towards erotica as taboo. These people do not believe it is a sin however, they just don't want to deal with societies judgmental attitudes directed at them. These lovers of erotica are, in my opinion, being very wise, there is no reason to stir up a hornets nest.

Living in a society such as we have here in the U.S., people learn pretty quick that we should keep certain of our thoughts, opinions or beliefs to ourselves. This is sad I believe but we learn over time that it is more the wise to be discreet. Unfortunately, I have not learned this too well, I am too much of an opened book?Ha!!

I believe that we all have an erotic impulse that resides in us for the greatest part of our adult life, and I believe that this impulse, if there is a creator, is a fabulous gift that is intended to bring two or more people together for the purpose of pleasure and bonding with each other.

This coming together sexually, as a result of this erotic impulse, is, in nature the only activity known to the human race that will result in a pregnancy. Now in these days medicine can take the necessary parts found in man and woman and create an embryo in the lab then introduce the embryo back into a woman's uterus. If all goes well she can carry it to term and deliver her child. Even in cloning I believe that it requires a cell from both male and female to create a clone.

Science and medicine are miraculous frontiers to explore but I personally have not tired of exploring the fabulous and beautifully erotic landscape of woman.

I can only speak and elaborate about the things that I have personally experienced, and I have never obtained an erection without some level of recognizable erotic stimulus. I have experienced an immeasurable number of activities throughout my life and never have they even produced a hint of an erection. This is self- evident that the erotic impulse is crucial to pleasure, bonding and reproduction.

If there is truly a God creator, and I do believe that there is, then I can only believe also that erotica is Holy, the erection is Holy, the bonding during foreplay is Holy and the orgasm is the Holiest of Holies for it is at that very moment that we relinquish our egos, totally unaware. At that moment we are not concerned in the least about how stupid we may appear to our lover.

If what I say has any truth to it how can we deny this gift and imply, in the pulpit or by taboos that the erotic impulse and sexuality is tainted by sin? When we label any part of this activity as sinful or taboo then we do a great injustice to this gift.

I do believe that there is nothing sinful or taboo about any sexual activity, however, if any party to the sexual activity has deceived the other before or during the sexual act, then it is that deceit that has dishonored the other. If one engages the other disrespectfully or in any form of abuse then this is wrong.

My hands were created for perfect purpose but I can choose to use them wrongly, such as stealing, or battering someone. Our tongues are made for perfect purpose but we can use them to lie to others.

I am not sure that to experience pleasure, bonding and reproduction are our only purposes here on this beautiful planet but I do believe that all of our senses bring us pleasure if we will only take care of them, and I firmly believe that we should experience as much pleasure as we can without harming ourselves and others.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Number 18 I played with Guns as a kid

When I was a kid me and my brother and neighborhood friends played cowboys and Indians and army and cops and robbers. We had all kinds o guns and bows and arrows. This was the kinds of toys that our parents bought us for Christmas to play outside with.

We got other toys also, like cars and trucks, checkers, pick-up sticks, log cabins and many other kinds of toys, but the guns seemed to be our favorites. Is this a learned behavior or is it a genetically predetermined characteristic that we, if given a choice, tend towards the aggressive play? Is it a masculine trait, because the girls did not seem to want to play with us boys when we played these kinds of games. Now, the girls did like to play chase and hide and seek, and, I liked it too because at an early age I really did like the difference between boys and girls, and I have ever since.

Will civilization ever see a time when the aggressive gene will become a thing of the past?

We are hearing in the news media that geneticists may, in the future, be able to engineer our genes so that our offspring can be predetermined to have blue or brown or green eyes, and blond or black or brown or auburn hair. When and if this does come to pass, and if they identify an aggressive and passive gene, will the geneticists or government take this science to the extreme and start making the general society passive and then produce the aggressive men and women to serve the military and government?

I do believe in making science work for the betterment of mankind and nature, but am I being naive, is this an example of invalid thinking? Is the natural coarse of nature the best thing for all life forms as long as we work hard to chart the appropriate coarse and make appropriate corrections when we see that the coarse needs adjusted?

We can see that man is learning a great deal of scientific knowledge. We are a very intelligent group of creatures but is our wisdom, at the very least, keeping up with our intelligence?

If we look at the history of man it does not appear that man has improved his wisdom at least since the days of Moses. We still seem to resort to war, way too often. We all harbor some kind of prejudice in our hearts and minds, and it is these differences coupled with our invalid thinking that fashions these great bulwarks against peace.

We should try to establish a "WORLD WIDE HIPPIE DAY 'Make Love, Not War' ". It wouldn't hurt to try. I vote YES!!!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Number 14 Prayer

I've done a lot of praying throughout my now 64 years and some prayers seem to have been answered but many, many more have not seemed to have been answered, or at least not to date.

Theologians and preachers and people learned in the bible all seem to give vague answers such as 'God works in mysterious ways' or 'He knows whats best for us and will provide for us according to His plan'. They will affirm that God is a just God, a loving God and a merciful God, a merciful father. This sounds fabulous and gives us a sense of security as long as everything is going good, but when troubles come and we are being devastated by financial loss, failing health and pain and suffering to ourselves or our loved ones we look to Him for in our prayers and ask for relief of all our problems and all of our suffering.

I realize, because I've been through many trying times and circumstances and so far I have weathered the storms, but I have known many people that have suffered and suffered and suffered, and lost so very much that it seemed unconscionable that a loving God, a merciful God that created us and the entire universe, and has the power over life and death and pain and suffering could allow this to afflict those that He loved.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This sounds easy enough, but does this command apply to God? If I found God in these circumstances should I, if I had the power, ease His burdens and His pain and suffering? Does it cost God much to heal one of His children, or does He have too many children to care for that it might bankrupt Him?

I know that the questions I ask, preachers would say that I am blasphemous, that I am in danger of hell fire and damnation and that I must repent and pray for forgiveness, but, I don't believe that our creator, or the creative power that is responsible for life and all sorts of tangible and intangible realities would create a literal eternal burning hell fire. I don't believe He would create evil, and I don't believe He is about punishment.

Some of us live to be a ripe old age without experiencing much pain and suffering, and even when we die with little or no suffering we leave a wealthy inheritance to our loved ones or to charity. Some of us struggle throughout our lives and seem not to be able to dodge any of the painful experiences of life, and then there are the tragedies that afflict the sweet little innocent children, the diseases, the accidents, natural disasters, and then the horrifying brutal acts of child abuse. All of this, I admit that I cannot comprehend a reason other than the fact that this planet earth can only support so much life. Without a ' cycle of life system' this planet would have self destructed long, long ago.

I do believe that there is much more to life than what we experience here in this lifetime, and I believe that that which is to come will be much more exciting and fascinating than we can imagine.

I know just how fragile life is, and I believe that there must be some guiding force that is responsible for the existence of everything that is so very fascinating to me that I cannot deny the force, and I believe also that I will always pray and talk to this force which I still choose to call God. I have even asked, many times, for this force that I call God to sit with me and have a cup of coffee while He answers many of my puzzling questions. Unlike many preachers that claim that God has spoken to them I'm not going to start that lie. God has not had coffee with me nor has He spoken to me. Why, I suppose because He doesn't have to? I know and accept this, and I realize that it is not paramount to His plan that He answer my questions, or that I ever understand His plan, but I will never believe that God is at the helm of the pain and suffering of all of life.

I also will refuse to buy in to what religion calls a jealous, wrathful,and punishing god, a god that created evil and an eternal burning hell fire that many will experience.

I believe that religion is all about the fears of man and the unknown, so they set up rules and ways of life, that if we follow these rules and ways of life, they promise that we will surely sit in heaven with God and Jesus and the good angels for eternity. They also insist that the creator needs in some way some of the fruits of your labor, this being one of the rules you must follow or you may fall out of favor with the creator.

The things I share with you are not intended to get you to follow my way of thinking, and believe in my beliefs, but I hope that you will read about my thoughts. I hope that you will get to know me, and not rely on the opinions of someone else.

It is very important for you to be at peace with your beliefs about our creation, the creator, the purpose of your life, and where we go or not go after this life on this fabulous planet.

We do have the capacity to search for truth, and some of us 'think' we have found it and some of us live in fear that we will die before we find the truth. This fear is pounded into our heads from the pulpits of churches all over the world, but I firmly believe that you should cast out your fears of the afterlife because I believe that whatever the creative force is 'it is all good'.

If we return to dust that will be good and if we live another life then that too will be good. I do hope for the latter because I love living. I think I could enjoy living for ever and ever and ever.

