Thursday, November 10, 2011

NUMBER 42: If God does exist, when came lonliness?

I have so many questions pertaining to the human condition and life in general. The first questions I think would deal with a relative of LONELINESS.

I'm not certain that I approach philosophical questions in the best way. In fact 'THE JOURNEY TO UNDERSTANDING' may be the totality of your pleasures throughout your quest. Perhaps it is best that we do not have the capacity to understand the metaphysical part of life until we've at least learned to respect the physicality of the material world.

I actually struggle daily with my belief in GOD. I have so many questions that in my opinion 'action or inaction' on the part of an all powerful GOD would be an act of cruelty.

I have a great desire to believe in an all powerful GOD, not a preacher man nor some self proclaiming wholly man, but a real GOD that could make living a pleasurable experience even if it is short lived.

It seems to me that an ALL POWERFUL GOD could cook up a potion of unconditional love and scatter it throughout the cosmos, then, HE could eradicate LONELINESS just long enough to remind us of the joy of love and the pain of loneliness.

I do, from time to time, experience great joy, but I also experience much too often the devastating pain of loneliness.

I wonder if there is in fact a creator, higher power or GOD, and if so I wonder if he has experienced LONELINESS. And, if HE has experienced loneliness do you think it rose to a level of great despair? If so, what loving reason or logic would you think would cause Him to afflict us with loneliness?

I think it unconscionable for a loving GOD to standby and watch HIS living creatures suffer in much despair. I know that there are many people in this world uncaring and even sadistic enough to enjoy participating in the pain and suffering of others but that does not justify a loving GOD to be equally sadistic. I do not believe that I could willingly cause pain, suffering and despair to befall any loving and peaceful person.

Perhaps the only 'GOD' is 'NATURAL LAW'. If this is the case' then we could stop claiming that GOD paid special favors to John or Rebecca or the Buddha. I believe that if there is a God He can only be impartial.


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