Thursday, January 13, 2011

Number 19 EROTICA, Right or Wrong.

The issue of whether 'Erotica' is right or wrong is a subject of controversy primarily because of the religious persuasion.

There are many people that enjoy erotica that believe it is a sin against God and that it is a taboo in the eyes of the vast majority of society, so this tremendous majority of people remain very discreet about their enjoyment of it. These are the people that the bible refers to as hypocrites. In the book of James in the Christian bible chapter 5 verse 16 it says for us to confess our faults one to another. I think this would set most people up to being ostracized by too many people. People have a very difficult time of keeping their mouths shut, and they are also too often very judgmental.

Then there are those that enjoy erotica but also remain very discreet about it because of societies attitude towards erotica as taboo. These people do not believe it is a sin however, they just don't want to deal with societies judgmental attitudes directed at them. These lovers of erotica are, in my opinion, being very wise, there is no reason to stir up a hornets nest.

Living in a society such as we have here in the U.S., people learn pretty quick that we should keep certain of our thoughts, opinions or beliefs to ourselves. This is sad I believe but we learn over time that it is more the wise to be discreet. Unfortunately, I have not learned this too well, I am too much of an opened book?Ha!!

I believe that we all have an erotic impulse that resides in us for the greatest part of our adult life, and I believe that this impulse, if there is a creator, is a fabulous gift that is intended to bring two or more people together for the purpose of pleasure and bonding with each other.

This coming together sexually, as a result of this erotic impulse, is, in nature the only activity known to the human race that will result in a pregnancy. Now in these days medicine can take the necessary parts found in man and woman and create an embryo in the lab then introduce the embryo back into a woman's uterus. If all goes well she can carry it to term and deliver her child. Even in cloning I believe that it requires a cell from both male and female to create a clone.

Science and medicine are miraculous frontiers to explore but I personally have not tired of exploring the fabulous and beautifully erotic landscape of woman.

I can only speak and elaborate about the things that I have personally experienced, and I have never obtained an erection without some level of recognizable erotic stimulus. I have experienced an immeasurable number of activities throughout my life and never have they even produced a hint of an erection. This is self- evident that the erotic impulse is crucial to pleasure, bonding and reproduction.

If there is truly a God creator, and I do believe that there is, then I can only believe also that erotica is Holy, the erection is Holy, the bonding during foreplay is Holy and the orgasm is the Holiest of Holies for it is at that very moment that we relinquish our egos, totally unaware. At that moment we are not concerned in the least about how stupid we may appear to our lover.

If what I say has any truth to it how can we deny this gift and imply, in the pulpit or by taboos that the erotic impulse and sexuality is tainted by sin? When we label any part of this activity as sinful or taboo then we do a great injustice to this gift.

I do believe that there is nothing sinful or taboo about any sexual activity, however, if any party to the sexual activity has deceived the other before or during the sexual act, then it is that deceit that has dishonored the other. If one engages the other disrespectfully or in any form of abuse then this is wrong.

My hands were created for perfect purpose but I can choose to use them wrongly, such as stealing, or battering someone. Our tongues are made for perfect purpose but we can use them to lie to others.

I am not sure that to experience pleasure, bonding and reproduction are our only purposes here on this beautiful planet but I do believe that all of our senses bring us pleasure if we will only take care of them, and I firmly believe that we should experience as much pleasure as we can without harming ourselves and others.


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