Am I too inquisitive about many of the stories in the Christian Bible? Do theologians consider this sort of questioning the bible to be blaspheme? Well, you may be wondering what the hell am I talking about.
I am not one to swallow, hook-line&sinker, anything that I am told or things that I read about without some serious contemplation of the matter. I sometimes challenge my friends and relatives on various issues, attempting to use the Socratic method, a fabulous method of dialogue that I only wish I could master. I wish I could step back in time and have that great opportunity of entering into friendly dialogue with Socrates, an opportunity that I think many philosophers would love to have.
The religion that has had the greatest influence on me throughout my entire life is Christianity, which has greatly dominated this entire nation since its origin. Many stories in the bible do not even sound Godly, but to the contrary they sound completely Godless, even brutish and barbaric.
The bible says that God chose a virgin named Mary to give birth to his only begotten son. She was to marry Joseph, but God decided that the plans of Joseph and Mary was not as immediately important as His plan. I suppose God could not think of a more amazing plan of action to bring into existence his one and only begotten son.
I believe that, if God could carve the ten commandments out of stone, surely He could have carved a statue of Jesus, already a full grown man, out of some precious stone right before the very eyes of all of the holly leaders, and then breath life into this stone statue of Jesus? Would this be any less miraculous or believable than a virgin birth, or the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth,or creating Eve out the rib of Adam?
The story of the Immaculate Conception does not seem to be very immaculate to me in light of the fact that Mary was chosen to, and not asked to be the mother of the child Jesus to raise and love and then watch Him be brutally beaten and crucified by driving spikes through His hands and feet onto a wooden cross to hang suffering and mocked till he died.
In this story, Jesus was not just the only begotten son of God but He was also the child of Mary. I would think that Mary felt every bit as crucified as her precious son. I think that any mother would emotionally feel all of His pain and humiliation, and I believe that all of this would burdened her for the rest of her life. Also Mary, I suppose, was not worthy enough for the authors of the bible to tell the story of the rest of her life or how her life ended. The only way we remember her is as the virgin mother of Jesus. We know nothing more about her, and to me the story should have given Marys life more importance.
The virgin birth seems barbaric to me. At the very least, Mary was powerless, and Joseph had no say in the matter. This was Gods plan.
Did Mary and Joseph fathom raising Jesus up and loving him and then seeing him crucified before their very eyes? What kind of love is this, to put a mother through such an ordeal? Was Joseph not traumatized also, had Joseph not also grown to love Jesus?
Did this 'so called' immaculate conception make God and Mary husband and wife? Jesus said that if a man knew a woman (sexually) they became one, and Jesus said that 'whosoever God puts together, save fornication, let no man put asunder'.
So, when Joseph and Mary did get married were they living in adultery? Mary had child with God then she had children with Joseph.
Everything in the bible is taught through the context of FEARING this LOVING GOD, FEAR the LORD, FEAR the WRATH of GOD, OBEY GOD or you WILL BURN IN HELL. This is, in my opinion, completely the fabrications of men wanting to control the masses.
Why would a God want His children to be frightened into professing to love Him? Can people only learn to love as a result of great fear? Can people not learn to love as a result of being loved and cared for?
I believe that I believe in a great creator, a creator that I tend to call God, and thankfully I do not live in fear of this God.
I think that I love this creative power, not out of fear but out of looking at this fabulous planet that I am living on, this planet that has so very much to love and enjoy. This planet and everything in it must be a gift to all of us. Man has just not been able to learn how help one another to help this planet help us.
Religion has had a great impact, not only on me but the entire world. It has impacted me most of my life and still is but I am continually trying to dismantle the many high walls of ignorance that have made it difficult to enjoy the many pleasures that this life and planet offers to each one of us.
I shame the religions that continually play the fear of Hell and Damnation to enlist new members and keep the old members. If love is not enough to enlist and keep members then the church is not a holy place, in my opinion.
To me, there is nothing about fear nor the use of fear that is remotely close to being holy.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Number 20 ART, My way or Your Way
I know that I produce a wide range or genre of art and I attract a diverse audience of art lovers.
Much of my art is acceptable among the vast majority of viewers even if the art does nothing for them. Sometimes artists meet people that are just not affected by much of anything, much less art, and then there are times that your art really challenges the viewers to such a level that they express much disapproval in certain pieces of your art. This has happened to me numerous times.
I have been advised by many individuals that 'If I would just do something different' I would probably sell more art. Well, I must give them much credit for their advice because I agree with them wholeheartedly, but that kind of art is so boring and non eventful to most people. I want to say something to the viewer, I want to communicate with them, I want to challenge many of their preconceived notions about a wide range of social issues that seem to be plaguing our nation and the world. I don't want my art to sing you a lullaby putting you into a deep sleep, I want it to awaken you from your sleepwalking, I want to loose you from your chains of bondage in hopes that you can live your life more abundantly and free from the guilt of enjoying many of the pleasures of life.
I suppose art can be many things to many people. I hear a lot of people use the term 'ART' in describing many things and activities, and I suppose that in their minds these things and activities are art, but to me much of what they call art has nothing to do with art at all. Art is unique, art is magical, it is difficult to describe, yet a discerning eye can always recognize it. Art Effects your mood, your emotions and your feelings long before it reaches the intellect.
Now we must always keep in mind that there are many poor souls that seem to never recognize art even if you put it right before their eyes. Their awareness seems to be so very shallow, and sad as it is, this also is a part of the human condition.
I have never understood how some artists try to produce art that they 'Think' the public in general might want to buy. I suppose some artist are fairly successful at that, but I personally would feel like I was prostituting my talent.
I have feelings, and I have emotions and beliefs and opinions about so many ethical, religious, political and social issues for which I am compelled to address through my art. If I chose not to address these issues in my art I think I would feel neglectful. I believe that I would have little respect for myself for wasting so much of my talent producing meaningless art.
I do not wish to imply that all art must address these religious, ethical, philosophical and social issues, because I understand that form and content are also important to our enjoyment of life on a daily basis. Beautiful forms and colors touch us in a very special, settling way that is truly invaluable to our outlook on life in general.
That which I am trying to share is that if you are content and happy devoting your talents to beautiful form and color, this is exactly what you should do. You will probably be more financially successful and popular. Society needs your styles of art also, but if you are drawn to the many controversial issues that plague this world I think you should resist the more popular directions in your art.
Money and popularity are comforting, but are they satisfying to your psyche and your emotional compulsions to address these important worldly issues? Do we artists bare a responsibility to our consciences to shout to the world our deepest feelings and emotions with regard to the many social injustices imposed on the innocent by individuals, religions, radicals and governments? Or should everybody just keep their mouths shut and allow these injustices to go unaddressed?
Each person, I believe, has a responsibility to speak out and express his or her innermost convictions on social issues. I believe it is very important to their personal growth.
Most people in any given society are passive by nature and do not cause major problems, but within these societies are always a few radicals ready to run roughshod over the meek and the passive and then sometimes these societies fall into dictatorships, or at the very least some form of minority rule.
A sculptor can produce a work of art that if placed in the public view so that passerby's can take a moment to contemplate it's message, the society can experience an awakening in a very powerful way. Art does have the power to awaken people to the realities of injustices . And this awakening within a community or society can bring a people together for the benefit of the people as a whole.
I have deep religious, ethical and political convictions that I think would be a benefit to society by awakening them to a greater sense of freedom. This is the main focus of my work.
I must admit that I am bored by most art. Much art is executed with excellent skill and craftsmanship, and I'm sure that many art lovers would praise it, but in my opinion it would be boring. This does not mean that it is not good art, it just means that I am not moved by it.
I have a very hard time with taking other peoples advice that I should produce art more in line with the norm. I detest this line of thinking and I do not think that that will ever become my approach to art. I must, I am compelled to produce art that aligns with my thought processes.
You should always produce art that aligns with your thought processes. I believe this approach always leads to your best works.
Much of my art is acceptable among the vast majority of viewers even if the art does nothing for them. Sometimes artists meet people that are just not affected by much of anything, much less art, and then there are times that your art really challenges the viewers to such a level that they express much disapproval in certain pieces of your art. This has happened to me numerous times.
I have been advised by many individuals that 'If I would just do something different' I would probably sell more art. Well, I must give them much credit for their advice because I agree with them wholeheartedly, but that kind of art is so boring and non eventful to most people. I want to say something to the viewer, I want to communicate with them, I want to challenge many of their preconceived notions about a wide range of social issues that seem to be plaguing our nation and the world. I don't want my art to sing you a lullaby putting you into a deep sleep, I want it to awaken you from your sleepwalking, I want to loose you from your chains of bondage in hopes that you can live your life more abundantly and free from the guilt of enjoying many of the pleasures of life.
I suppose art can be many things to many people. I hear a lot of people use the term 'ART' in describing many things and activities, and I suppose that in their minds these things and activities are art, but to me much of what they call art has nothing to do with art at all. Art is unique, art is magical, it is difficult to describe, yet a discerning eye can always recognize it. Art Effects your mood, your emotions and your feelings long before it reaches the intellect.
Now we must always keep in mind that there are many poor souls that seem to never recognize art even if you put it right before their eyes. Their awareness seems to be so very shallow, and sad as it is, this also is a part of the human condition.
I have never understood how some artists try to produce art that they 'Think' the public in general might want to buy. I suppose some artist are fairly successful at that, but I personally would feel like I was prostituting my talent.
I have feelings, and I have emotions and beliefs and opinions about so many ethical, religious, political and social issues for which I am compelled to address through my art. If I chose not to address these issues in my art I think I would feel neglectful. I believe that I would have little respect for myself for wasting so much of my talent producing meaningless art.
I do not wish to imply that all art must address these religious, ethical, philosophical and social issues, because I understand that form and content are also important to our enjoyment of life on a daily basis. Beautiful forms and colors touch us in a very special, settling way that is truly invaluable to our outlook on life in general.
That which I am trying to share is that if you are content and happy devoting your talents to beautiful form and color, this is exactly what you should do. You will probably be more financially successful and popular. Society needs your styles of art also, but if you are drawn to the many controversial issues that plague this world I think you should resist the more popular directions in your art.
Money and popularity are comforting, but are they satisfying to your psyche and your emotional compulsions to address these important worldly issues? Do we artists bare a responsibility to our consciences to shout to the world our deepest feelings and emotions with regard to the many social injustices imposed on the innocent by individuals, religions, radicals and governments? Or should everybody just keep their mouths shut and allow these injustices to go unaddressed?
Each person, I believe, has a responsibility to speak out and express his or her innermost convictions on social issues. I believe it is very important to their personal growth.
Most people in any given society are passive by nature and do not cause major problems, but within these societies are always a few radicals ready to run roughshod over the meek and the passive and then sometimes these societies fall into dictatorships, or at the very least some form of minority rule.
A sculptor can produce a work of art that if placed in the public view so that passerby's can take a moment to contemplate it's message, the society can experience an awakening in a very powerful way. Art does have the power to awaken people to the realities of injustices . And this awakening within a community or society can bring a people together for the benefit of the people as a whole.
I have deep religious, ethical and political convictions that I think would be a benefit to society by awakening them to a greater sense of freedom. This is the main focus of my work.
I must admit that I am bored by most art. Much art is executed with excellent skill and craftsmanship, and I'm sure that many art lovers would praise it, but in my opinion it would be boring. This does not mean that it is not good art, it just means that I am not moved by it.
I have a very hard time with taking other peoples advice that I should produce art more in line with the norm. I detest this line of thinking and I do not think that that will ever become my approach to art. I must, I am compelled to produce art that aligns with my thought processes.
You should always produce art that aligns with your thought processes. I believe this approach always leads to your best works.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Number 19 EROTICA, Right or Wrong.
The issue of whether 'Erotica' is right or wrong is a subject of controversy primarily because of the religious persuasion.
There are many people that enjoy erotica that believe it is a sin against God and that it is a taboo in the eyes of the vast majority of society, so this tremendous majority of people remain very discreet about their enjoyment of it. These are the people that the bible refers to as hypocrites. In the book of James in the Christian bible chapter 5 verse 16 it says for us to confess our faults one to another. I think this would set most people up to being ostracized by too many people. People have a very difficult time of keeping their mouths shut, and they are also too often very judgmental.
Then there are those that enjoy erotica but also remain very discreet about it because of societies attitude towards erotica as taboo. These people do not believe it is a sin however, they just don't want to deal with societies judgmental attitudes directed at them. These lovers of erotica are, in my opinion, being very wise, there is no reason to stir up a hornets nest.
Living in a society such as we have here in the U.S., people learn pretty quick that we should keep certain of our thoughts, opinions or beliefs to ourselves. This is sad I believe but we learn over time that it is more the wise to be discreet. Unfortunately, I have not learned this too well, I am too much of an opened book?Ha!!
I believe that we all have an erotic impulse that resides in us for the greatest part of our adult life, and I believe that this impulse, if there is a creator, is a fabulous gift that is intended to bring two or more people together for the purpose of pleasure and bonding with each other.
This coming together sexually, as a result of this erotic impulse, is, in nature the only activity known to the human race that will result in a pregnancy. Now in these days medicine can take the necessary parts found in man and woman and create an embryo in the lab then introduce the embryo back into a woman's uterus. If all goes well she can carry it to term and deliver her child. Even in cloning I believe that it requires a cell from both male and female to create a clone.
Science and medicine are miraculous frontiers to explore but I personally have not tired of exploring the fabulous and beautifully erotic landscape of woman.
I can only speak and elaborate about the things that I have personally experienced, and I have never obtained an erection without some level of recognizable erotic stimulus. I have experienced an immeasurable number of activities throughout my life and never have they even produced a hint of an erection. This is self- evident that the erotic impulse is crucial to pleasure, bonding and reproduction.
If there is truly a God creator, and I do believe that there is, then I can only believe also that erotica is Holy, the erection is Holy, the bonding during foreplay is Holy and the orgasm is the Holiest of Holies for it is at that very moment that we relinquish our egos, totally unaware. At that moment we are not concerned in the least about how stupid we may appear to our lover.
If what I say has any truth to it how can we deny this gift and imply, in the pulpit or by taboos that the erotic impulse and sexuality is tainted by sin? When we label any part of this activity as sinful or taboo then we do a great injustice to this gift.
I do believe that there is nothing sinful or taboo about any sexual activity, however, if any party to the sexual activity has deceived the other before or during the sexual act, then it is that deceit that has dishonored the other. If one engages the other disrespectfully or in any form of abuse then this is wrong.
My hands were created for perfect purpose but I can choose to use them wrongly, such as stealing, or battering someone. Our tongues are made for perfect purpose but we can use them to lie to others.
I am not sure that to experience pleasure, bonding and reproduction are our only purposes here on this beautiful planet but I do believe that all of our senses bring us pleasure if we will only take care of them, and I firmly believe that we should experience as much pleasure as we can without harming ourselves and others.
There are many people that enjoy erotica that believe it is a sin against God and that it is a taboo in the eyes of the vast majority of society, so this tremendous majority of people remain very discreet about their enjoyment of it. These are the people that the bible refers to as hypocrites. In the book of James in the Christian bible chapter 5 verse 16 it says for us to confess our faults one to another. I think this would set most people up to being ostracized by too many people. People have a very difficult time of keeping their mouths shut, and they are also too often very judgmental.
Then there are those that enjoy erotica but also remain very discreet about it because of societies attitude towards erotica as taboo. These people do not believe it is a sin however, they just don't want to deal with societies judgmental attitudes directed at them. These lovers of erotica are, in my opinion, being very wise, there is no reason to stir up a hornets nest.
Living in a society such as we have here in the U.S., people learn pretty quick that we should keep certain of our thoughts, opinions or beliefs to ourselves. This is sad I believe but we learn over time that it is more the wise to be discreet. Unfortunately, I have not learned this too well, I am too much of an opened book?Ha!!
I believe that we all have an erotic impulse that resides in us for the greatest part of our adult life, and I believe that this impulse, if there is a creator, is a fabulous gift that is intended to bring two or more people together for the purpose of pleasure and bonding with each other.
This coming together sexually, as a result of this erotic impulse, is, in nature the only activity known to the human race that will result in a pregnancy. Now in these days medicine can take the necessary parts found in man and woman and create an embryo in the lab then introduce the embryo back into a woman's uterus. If all goes well she can carry it to term and deliver her child. Even in cloning I believe that it requires a cell from both male and female to create a clone.
Science and medicine are miraculous frontiers to explore but I personally have not tired of exploring the fabulous and beautifully erotic landscape of woman.
I can only speak and elaborate about the things that I have personally experienced, and I have never obtained an erection without some level of recognizable erotic stimulus. I have experienced an immeasurable number of activities throughout my life and never have they even produced a hint of an erection. This is self- evident that the erotic impulse is crucial to pleasure, bonding and reproduction.
If there is truly a God creator, and I do believe that there is, then I can only believe also that erotica is Holy, the erection is Holy, the bonding during foreplay is Holy and the orgasm is the Holiest of Holies for it is at that very moment that we relinquish our egos, totally unaware. At that moment we are not concerned in the least about how stupid we may appear to our lover.
If what I say has any truth to it how can we deny this gift and imply, in the pulpit or by taboos that the erotic impulse and sexuality is tainted by sin? When we label any part of this activity as sinful or taboo then we do a great injustice to this gift.
I do believe that there is nothing sinful or taboo about any sexual activity, however, if any party to the sexual activity has deceived the other before or during the sexual act, then it is that deceit that has dishonored the other. If one engages the other disrespectfully or in any form of abuse then this is wrong.
My hands were created for perfect purpose but I can choose to use them wrongly, such as stealing, or battering someone. Our tongues are made for perfect purpose but we can use them to lie to others.
I am not sure that to experience pleasure, bonding and reproduction are our only purposes here on this beautiful planet but I do believe that all of our senses bring us pleasure if we will only take care of them, and I firmly believe that we should experience as much pleasure as we can without harming ourselves and others.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Number 18 I played with Guns as a kid
When I was a kid me and my brother and neighborhood friends played cowboys and Indians and army and cops and robbers. We had all kinds o guns and bows and arrows. This was the kinds of toys that our parents bought us for Christmas to play outside with.
We got other toys also, like cars and trucks, checkers, pick-up sticks, log cabins and many other kinds of toys, but the guns seemed to be our favorites. Is this a learned behavior or is it a genetically predetermined characteristic that we, if given a choice, tend towards the aggressive play? Is it a masculine trait, because the girls did not seem to want to play with us boys when we played these kinds of games. Now, the girls did like to play chase and hide and seek, and, I liked it too because at an early age I really did like the difference between boys and girls, and I have ever since.
Will civilization ever see a time when the aggressive gene will become a thing of the past?
We are hearing in the news media that geneticists may, in the future, be able to engineer our genes so that our offspring can be predetermined to have blue or brown or green eyes, and blond or black or brown or auburn hair. When and if this does come to pass, and if they identify an aggressive and passive gene, will the geneticists or government take this science to the extreme and start making the general society passive and then produce the aggressive men and women to serve the military and government?
I do believe in making science work for the betterment of mankind and nature, but am I being naive, is this an example of invalid thinking? Is the natural coarse of nature the best thing for all life forms as long as we work hard to chart the appropriate coarse and make appropriate corrections when we see that the coarse needs adjusted?
We can see that man is learning a great deal of scientific knowledge. We are a very intelligent group of creatures but is our wisdom, at the very least, keeping up with our intelligence?
If we look at the history of man it does not appear that man has improved his wisdom at least since the days of Moses. We still seem to resort to war, way too often. We all harbor some kind of prejudice in our hearts and minds, and it is these differences coupled with our invalid thinking that fashions these great bulwarks against peace.
We should try to establish a "WORLD WIDE HIPPIE DAY 'Make Love, Not War' ". It wouldn't hurt to try. I vote YES!!!
We got other toys also, like cars and trucks, checkers, pick-up sticks, log cabins and many other kinds of toys, but the guns seemed to be our favorites. Is this a learned behavior or is it a genetically predetermined characteristic that we, if given a choice, tend towards the aggressive play? Is it a masculine trait, because the girls did not seem to want to play with us boys when we played these kinds of games. Now, the girls did like to play chase and hide and seek, and, I liked it too because at an early age I really did like the difference between boys and girls, and I have ever since.
Will civilization ever see a time when the aggressive gene will become a thing of the past?
We are hearing in the news media that geneticists may, in the future, be able to engineer our genes so that our offspring can be predetermined to have blue or brown or green eyes, and blond or black or brown or auburn hair. When and if this does come to pass, and if they identify an aggressive and passive gene, will the geneticists or government take this science to the extreme and start making the general society passive and then produce the aggressive men and women to serve the military and government?
I do believe in making science work for the betterment of mankind and nature, but am I being naive, is this an example of invalid thinking? Is the natural coarse of nature the best thing for all life forms as long as we work hard to chart the appropriate coarse and make appropriate corrections when we see that the coarse needs adjusted?
We can see that man is learning a great deal of scientific knowledge. We are a very intelligent group of creatures but is our wisdom, at the very least, keeping up with our intelligence?
If we look at the history of man it does not appear that man has improved his wisdom at least since the days of Moses. We still seem to resort to war, way too often. We all harbor some kind of prejudice in our hearts and minds, and it is these differences coupled with our invalid thinking that fashions these great bulwarks against peace.
We should try to establish a "WORLD WIDE HIPPIE DAY 'Make Love, Not War' ". It wouldn't hurt to try. I vote YES!!!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Number 14 Prayer
I've done a lot of praying throughout my now 64 years and some prayers seem to have been answered but many, many more have not seemed to have been answered, or at least not to date.
Theologians and preachers and people learned in the bible all seem to give vague answers such as 'God works in mysterious ways' or 'He knows whats best for us and will provide for us according to His plan'. They will affirm that God is a just God, a loving God and a merciful God, a merciful father. This sounds fabulous and gives us a sense of security as long as everything is going good, but when troubles come and we are being devastated by financial loss, failing health and pain and suffering to ourselves or our loved ones we look to Him for in our prayers and ask for relief of all our problems and all of our suffering.
I realize, because I've been through many trying times and circumstances and so far I have weathered the storms, but I have known many people that have suffered and suffered and suffered, and lost so very much that it seemed unconscionable that a loving God, a merciful God that created us and the entire universe, and has the power over life and death and pain and suffering could allow this to afflict those that He loved.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This sounds easy enough, but does this command apply to God? If I found God in these circumstances should I, if I had the power, ease His burdens and His pain and suffering? Does it cost God much to heal one of His children, or does He have too many children to care for that it might bankrupt Him?
I know that the questions I ask, preachers would say that I am blasphemous, that I am in danger of hell fire and damnation and that I must repent and pray for forgiveness, but, I don't believe that our creator, or the creative power that is responsible for life and all sorts of tangible and intangible realities would create a literal eternal burning hell fire. I don't believe He would create evil, and I don't believe He is about punishment.
Some of us live to be a ripe old age without experiencing much pain and suffering, and even when we die with little or no suffering we leave a wealthy inheritance to our loved ones or to charity. Some of us struggle throughout our lives and seem not to be able to dodge any of the painful experiences of life, and then there are the tragedies that afflict the sweet little innocent children, the diseases, the accidents, natural disasters, and then the horrifying brutal acts of child abuse. All of this, I admit that I cannot comprehend a reason other than the fact that this planet earth can only support so much life. Without a ' cycle of life system' this planet would have self destructed long, long ago.
I do believe that there is much more to life than what we experience here in this lifetime, and I believe that that which is to come will be much more exciting and fascinating than we can imagine.
I know just how fragile life is, and I believe that there must be some guiding force that is responsible for the existence of everything that is so very fascinating to me that I cannot deny the force, and I believe also that I will always pray and talk to this force which I still choose to call God. I have even asked, many times, for this force that I call God to sit with me and have a cup of coffee while He answers many of my puzzling questions. Unlike many preachers that claim that God has spoken to them I'm not going to start that lie. God has not had coffee with me nor has He spoken to me. Why, I suppose because He doesn't have to? I know and accept this, and I realize that it is not paramount to His plan that He answer my questions, or that I ever understand His plan, but I will never believe that God is at the helm of the pain and suffering of all of life.
I also will refuse to buy in to what religion calls a jealous, wrathful,and punishing god, a god that created evil and an eternal burning hell fire that many will experience.
I believe that religion is all about the fears of man and the unknown, so they set up rules and ways of life, that if we follow these rules and ways of life, they promise that we will surely sit in heaven with God and Jesus and the good angels for eternity. They also insist that the creator needs in some way some of the fruits of your labor, this being one of the rules you must follow or you may fall out of favor with the creator.
The things I share with you are not intended to get you to follow my way of thinking, and believe in my beliefs, but I hope that you will read about my thoughts. I hope that you will get to know me, and not rely on the opinions of someone else.
It is very important for you to be at peace with your beliefs about our creation, the creator, the purpose of your life, and where we go or not go after this life on this fabulous planet.
We do have the capacity to search for truth, and some of us 'think' we have found it and some of us live in fear that we will die before we find the truth. This fear is pounded into our heads from the pulpits of churches all over the world, but I firmly believe that you should cast out your fears of the afterlife because I believe that whatever the creative force is 'it is all good'.
If we return to dust that will be good and if we live another life then that too will be good. I do hope for the latter because I love living. I think I could enjoy living for ever and ever and ever.
Theologians and preachers and people learned in the bible all seem to give vague answers such as 'God works in mysterious ways' or 'He knows whats best for us and will provide for us according to His plan'. They will affirm that God is a just God, a loving God and a merciful God, a merciful father. This sounds fabulous and gives us a sense of security as long as everything is going good, but when troubles come and we are being devastated by financial loss, failing health and pain and suffering to ourselves or our loved ones we look to Him for in our prayers and ask for relief of all our problems and all of our suffering.
I realize, because I've been through many trying times and circumstances and so far I have weathered the storms, but I have known many people that have suffered and suffered and suffered, and lost so very much that it seemed unconscionable that a loving God, a merciful God that created us and the entire universe, and has the power over life and death and pain and suffering could allow this to afflict those that He loved.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This sounds easy enough, but does this command apply to God? If I found God in these circumstances should I, if I had the power, ease His burdens and His pain and suffering? Does it cost God much to heal one of His children, or does He have too many children to care for that it might bankrupt Him?
I know that the questions I ask, preachers would say that I am blasphemous, that I am in danger of hell fire and damnation and that I must repent and pray for forgiveness, but, I don't believe that our creator, or the creative power that is responsible for life and all sorts of tangible and intangible realities would create a literal eternal burning hell fire. I don't believe He would create evil, and I don't believe He is about punishment.
Some of us live to be a ripe old age without experiencing much pain and suffering, and even when we die with little or no suffering we leave a wealthy inheritance to our loved ones or to charity. Some of us struggle throughout our lives and seem not to be able to dodge any of the painful experiences of life, and then there are the tragedies that afflict the sweet little innocent children, the diseases, the accidents, natural disasters, and then the horrifying brutal acts of child abuse. All of this, I admit that I cannot comprehend a reason other than the fact that this planet earth can only support so much life. Without a ' cycle of life system' this planet would have self destructed long, long ago.
I do believe that there is much more to life than what we experience here in this lifetime, and I believe that that which is to come will be much more exciting and fascinating than we can imagine.
I know just how fragile life is, and I believe that there must be some guiding force that is responsible for the existence of everything that is so very fascinating to me that I cannot deny the force, and I believe also that I will always pray and talk to this force which I still choose to call God. I have even asked, many times, for this force that I call God to sit with me and have a cup of coffee while He answers many of my puzzling questions. Unlike many preachers that claim that God has spoken to them I'm not going to start that lie. God has not had coffee with me nor has He spoken to me. Why, I suppose because He doesn't have to? I know and accept this, and I realize that it is not paramount to His plan that He answer my questions, or that I ever understand His plan, but I will never believe that God is at the helm of the pain and suffering of all of life.
I also will refuse to buy in to what religion calls a jealous, wrathful,and punishing god, a god that created evil and an eternal burning hell fire that many will experience.
I believe that religion is all about the fears of man and the unknown, so they set up rules and ways of life, that if we follow these rules and ways of life, they promise that we will surely sit in heaven with God and Jesus and the good angels for eternity. They also insist that the creator needs in some way some of the fruits of your labor, this being one of the rules you must follow or you may fall out of favor with the creator.
The things I share with you are not intended to get you to follow my way of thinking, and believe in my beliefs, but I hope that you will read about my thoughts. I hope that you will get to know me, and not rely on the opinions of someone else.
It is very important for you to be at peace with your beliefs about our creation, the creator, the purpose of your life, and where we go or not go after this life on this fabulous planet.
We do have the capacity to search for truth, and some of us 'think' we have found it and some of us live in fear that we will die before we find the truth. This fear is pounded into our heads from the pulpits of churches all over the world, but I firmly believe that you should cast out your fears of the afterlife because I believe that whatever the creative force is 'it is all good'.
If we return to dust that will be good and if we live another life then that too will be good. I do hope for the latter because I love living. I think I could enjoy living for ever and ever and ever.
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