Monday, April 11, 2011


How do you define or perceive what constitutes a bully? We see and hear all the time how bullies are quite often creating havoc for young students, and even creating much havoc in the adult world.

The biggest bully of all time is to me a fictitious bully, however most people live in fear of him. His name is Satan or the Devil or the Evil One.

The biblical story, in the book of Job, is an incredible 'Bully story' that most Christians are aware of but really have not given it much serious thought. I personally can't fathom a loving god deciding to create such a wicked and evil figure with Supper Natural Powers to be loosed into the world unleashed and unmuzzled to prey upon us weak and unwise little people to be led like little sheep down the road to damnation and burn for eternity. Oh yes, I know we have free will to turn from him and do the right thing, but just one slip in the wide path to hell and our failure to repent of every sin before we die we will burn forever in torment. This is the wages of sin.

In the book of Job in the bible it is said that Job was a perfect man. Now Jesus claimed that not even He was good, that only our Father in heaven was good. But getting back to the story of Job we read that he loved God and was a friend of God. Job worshiped God.

I do have some good friends but I have never suspected any of them worshiping me. If they did I would diligently try to get them some good counseling. The point I want to make here is that if any of my friends was being bullied I would eradicate the bully. I would not stand by and allow this bully to have his way with any of my friends.

I've read the story of Job and I am aware that as told, after Job suffered at the peril of Satan and lost his family and all of his wealth God restored to Job more than he had before his ordeal with Satan. Do you think that the loss of your wife and your children could ever be replaced? I believe that I could deal with the loss of my wealth but for the one friend who allowed a bully to heap much suffering on me and allowing this bully to take away my loved ones, I doubt that I would ever regain any feelings of admiration for him, especially if this friend had the power to prevent the whole ordeal.

That story to me seems to portray God as a sadistic God taking pleasure in showing Satan how great the love was that Job had for Him. How egotistical do we think God could be?

If God does truly exist I don't want to be one perpetuating images of Him as being a Super Bully that needs us to worship Him or He's going to wreak havoc on us.

We all need to stand up to bullying.