Friday, January 7, 2011

Number 18 I played with Guns as a kid

When I was a kid me and my brother and neighborhood friends played cowboys and Indians and army and cops and robbers. We had all kinds o guns and bows and arrows. This was the kinds of toys that our parents bought us for Christmas to play outside with.

We got other toys also, like cars and trucks, checkers, pick-up sticks, log cabins and many other kinds of toys, but the guns seemed to be our favorites. Is this a learned behavior or is it a genetically predetermined characteristic that we, if given a choice, tend towards the aggressive play? Is it a masculine trait, because the girls did not seem to want to play with us boys when we played these kinds of games. Now, the girls did like to play chase and hide and seek, and, I liked it too because at an early age I really did like the difference between boys and girls, and I have ever since.

Will civilization ever see a time when the aggressive gene will become a thing of the past?

We are hearing in the news media that geneticists may, in the future, be able to engineer our genes so that our offspring can be predetermined to have blue or brown or green eyes, and blond or black or brown or auburn hair. When and if this does come to pass, and if they identify an aggressive and passive gene, will the geneticists or government take this science to the extreme and start making the general society passive and then produce the aggressive men and women to serve the military and government?

I do believe in making science work for the betterment of mankind and nature, but am I being naive, is this an example of invalid thinking? Is the natural coarse of nature the best thing for all life forms as long as we work hard to chart the appropriate coarse and make appropriate corrections when we see that the coarse needs adjusted?

We can see that man is learning a great deal of scientific knowledge. We are a very intelligent group of creatures but is our wisdom, at the very least, keeping up with our intelligence?

If we look at the history of man it does not appear that man has improved his wisdom at least since the days of Moses. We still seem to resort to war, way too often. We all harbor some kind of prejudice in our hearts and minds, and it is these differences coupled with our invalid thinking that fashions these great bulwarks against peace.

We should try to establish a "WORLD WIDE HIPPIE DAY 'Make Love, Not War' ". It wouldn't hurt to try. I vote YES!!!


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